I feel like authors deserve so much from the readers. I believe that authors are people who really connect with us. It was actually an author who I "sorta" owe my life to. Authors and their words make us feel and they can help us.
In this event, I want to get to know the authors. I’d like to get interviews or blog posts about THEM in connection to their book. Who is the mind behind each author?
For each post, I leave links to connect with the author. Please take the time to use one of those links and leave a message for each author, if you can. It can be towards the book or it can be something as easy as “I love the post you wrote on Out of Time! <33”
I was on the blog tour for Ask Again Later! I remember the story pretty well because it was really cool how it was 2 alternate realities! Those kinds of books are pretty newish and I was blown away by how pro (debut author), Liz Czukas is!
The Author Journey
How secretive was I about it? Let me put it this way. I started dating my husband when I was a sophomore in high school, and he never knew I wrote stories until I was in graduate school. Yeah. You'd think I was actually hiding a tendency to murder people now and again instead of writing a few stories.
So what brought me from closeted hobby writer to professional? Ah, the Internet. I found a website where I could put up some of my early writing under an pen name and get feedback on it. It doesn't exist anymore, and no, I won't tell you my handle. There are some things that are best left in the past. But at the site, I was lucky enough to get thoughtful, intelligent, helpful feedback from some people who went on to become good friends. Friends who encouraged me to go the distance. To actually dip my toes into the terrifying world of querying literary agents. Friends who are still in my life, supporting me with unshakable enthusiasm.
To be honest, I still stumble all over myself when I have to talk about my writing with people in person. I can hardly believe anyone would be interested, much less impressed. It's only recently that I'm relaxing into a bit and I don't turn the color of a tomato when someone says, "So what do you do?"
I'm a writer. And I might even be ready to own it!
So I tried to be an author. I did it twice. And then I realized that I hated it. It's really not my thing. I like writing, but I don't like writing fiction. And even though I've realized that, I've come to appreciate authors like thirty billion times more because it's not an easy job. It's easy to write, but it isn't easy to write well.
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Be kind to one another. - Ellen

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Liz Czukas is a freelance writer who lives outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Ask Again Later is her first novel. She collects college degrees she doesn't use, types too loud, and always has a song stuck in her head. In high school, Liz did go to two proms but not at the same time.

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When I was in high school, instead of keeping journals with stories, I kept journals where me and other friends wrote our thoughts. Most of it sounded like gibberish then but now they offer some great memories! :D
ReplyDeletethanks so much for having me Nova! This was a fun post to write and I'm glad to be among such wonderful company in your new blog feature!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post!
ReplyDeleteI kept diaries all through high school and during college I had my urge to write for a while, but my love for reading overtook it!
I still write little stories. I have since I was eight.
ReplyDeleteA great post and I really cant wait to read Ask again later, I think it will be great. I write to, for myself and it is always great to see the journey of others :)
ReplyDeleteReally interesting author journey! Reading and writing has also been very important in my life, and it is facinating when one looks back & you see HOW much a part of your childhood...and growing up it has been.