I feel like authors deserve so much from the readers. I believe that authors are people who really connect with us. It was actually an author who I "sorta" owe my life to. Authors and their words make us feel and they can help us.
In this event, I want to get to know the authors. I’d like to get interviews or blog posts about THEM in connection to their book. Who is the mind behind each author?
For each post, I leave links to connect with the author. Please take the time to use one of those links and leave a message for each author, if you can. It can be towards the book or it can be something as easy as “I love the post you wrote on Out of Time! <33”
I'm really sad I couldn't get a copy of this, but I'm so excited for it anyway! Please welcome Emery Lord who is so cool for being here today.
Questionaire - With Emery Lord
Location: Midwest
Job: Writer
10 Favorites!
Favorite color: Blue!
Favorite movie: Tie between Saved! and Stranger ThanFiction
Favorite Disney movie: Beautyand the Beast and Mulan. And Frozen.
Favorite TV show: I’m currently rewatching Veronica Mars, and I’m in love all over again. The crime! The sass! Counting down the days till the midnight showing of the movie.
Favorite singer/band: This one’s hard because I have sooo many. At the moment, I’m listening to a lot of Frightened Rabbit, The National and Gregory Alan Isakov. Very wintery music.
Favorite place to shop: Nordstrom (Rack) and Kate Spade (Outlet) ;)
Favorite article of clothing: Blazers :) and boots or wedge heels.
Favorite dessert: All. Special mentions for Jeni’s Ice Cream, cheesecake, my mom’s chocolate chip cookies, and my Nana’s pies.
Favorite place to travel: At the moment, NYC because it’s a combination of old friends and new adventures.
Favorite social media site: Maybe Instagram? Or Twitter? Or Tumblr?
10 Book Questions!
Favorite book of all time: Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine.
Favorite author: Melina Marchetta
Favorite bookstore: So many! But sentimental faves are The Book Loft in Columbus- 20+ rooms of books! Joseph Beth in Cincinnati- amazing YA section, wonderful events, and a cafe that I eat at WAY too often.
Favorite place to read: My front porch swing when the weather's nice or an oversized, overstuffed armchair that we refer to as The Big Chair.
What book are you reading right now? The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth!
What’s the best book you’ve read this year? Fair and Tender Ladies by Lee Smith. It’s not like anything I’ve ever read before and the main character, Ivy, felt like a dear friend by the end.
What’s next on your TBR? Far From You by Tess Sharpe, which I’m so excited for, and then Lorrie Moore’s Bark, which is out soon!
What books are you most excited about this year? Ruin & Rising by Leigh Bardugo and Jandy Nelson’s sophomore effort I’ll GiveYou the Sun.
What’s the last book you bought? When Audrey Met Alice by Rebecca Behrens. It's SO good, and the New York Times agrees with me!
What kind of covers do you like? Depends on the book! One I had heart-eyes over recently was Jandy Nelson’s!
Is this what I get to do in high school? SUPER COOL! I want to do one of these. And yes, Emery, I am SO EXCITED for Ruin and Rising like it isn't even funny.
Enter the giveaway below! Thanks for checking out my blog and remember:
Be kind to one another. - Ellen

Emery's Goodreads | Goodreads for her Book | Twitter | Website |
Emery Lord is a 20-something Midwestern girl who writes stories about high school and best friends and weird families and the crushes that make you feel combustibly alive and also more awkward than you thought was possible. If you're not sure how to pronounce Emery, try slurring the name "Emily," and that will get you really close.
She lives in Cincinnati in a 100 year-old pink row house with her BFF/husband, a closet full of dresses, and lots of books. If karaoke-ing in grocery store aisles or guzzling coffee while impulse shopping were illegal, Emery would be writing her overemotional YA books from jail. Also, she makes up words sometimes. Like combustibly.
OPEN ROAD SUMMER, her first YA novel, is out April 15th, 2014. A second YA novel TBD will be released Spring 2015. You can contact her at emerylord@gmail.com.
This was such a great post! Ten questions about an authors favorite things and ten questions about an authors favorite books provides a lot of information I think is awesome to learn. Just reading about Emery Lord made me want to TBR her book until I went on Goodreads and realized I had already added it! :D